About ME!

Hello, I am Dechen,
Thank you for dropping by! 
Graduated with BA in Politics, Philosophy & Economic (PPE) and Gender Studies Minor. Currently a Language Teacher in Japan.
I am an irregular blogger, blogging about things that matter to me, random and theme-less. You need to get a good grasp of what IRREGULAR means to me as a blogger. Signed up for this blogger in 2013, while as a college students, young and passionate. Ended up penning down two blogs. Damn two blogs in a year. Another one in 2014. I run out of motivation and willpower quite often. And then laziness strikes and trying to juggle these two is quite a challenge.  So 2017 came and it gave birth to a new zeal. I came to Japan, new place, new ideas. For now, I blog about my work and things I like about Japan. 
I often hibernate for month or two, or even more in between but gradually get back on track once I break the laziness loop. So stay tuned!

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